Monday, October 19, 2015

Okay so this is how my entire life has went.
On April second 2003 I Michael Keegan Beebe was born. surprise I'm only twelve.
This was an important day in my life because well I wouldn't be here if that day didn't exist.
When I was 2 moms sisters daughter accidently dropped me down like 3 stairs and I broke my foot. :/ anyway that was my first trip ever to the emergency oh wait I was held there for 3 days after I was born because of water in my lung. but back to my foot I was in a cast for I think 4 months so yeah. now fast forward to when I was three. My dad was reading my brother and I the bible and I was sitting on the edge of my bed. and I fell and hit my sharp dresser and humpty dumpty at on a wall humpty dumpty had a great fall and crack went my head. now in November when I was five was my first day of K grade  and I hated evergreen and they hatted me. when I was in K grade I had the most traumatic experience of my life the class bully tripped me and everyone in the entire class laughed so hard at me falling. I literally ran out of the classroom and locked myself in a bathroom stall and didn't come out till the end of the day.  Now fast forward to in-between first and second grade when 1 was 7 years old there are two cute girls behind my house (I got one of them after this) but I was riding my bike and I went down this steep hill and hit one rock. and I flipped and flipped and flipped and flipped and amazingly only broke two arms but my back wrist feet and shoulders all pop and crack now. I wish I could take that day back but then I wouldn't get the girl. now fast-forward to when I'm in the third grade. I was on this allergy medicine and with another medicine caused hallucinations and they were of people beating other people up and I brought a knife to school. that's the end of the story but A police officer came and I was suspended for two weeks and that was it I didn't come back for two weeks. now forth and fifth grade were good years in forth I had the best teacher Mrs. Motley and she helped me get A-B honor roll all but for one quarter and I had a 79 C+ fast -forward to sixth grade my worst year. I had about 170 lunch detections about 120 in school detections surprisingly only 1 detection ever for math witch I hated math well who doesn't. now fast forward Monday October nineteenth today when I'm writing this and in seventh grade witch I'm doing awesome in thanks for asking and I love it all my teachers are so nice accept for my aid in math Mrs.Handcock she is the meanest aid I have ever had EVER! anyway that's the summery of my entire life.

Hope you enjoyed my life and I look forward to your comments

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