Sunday, October 25, 2015

Real Talk Sunday


So I have been bullied for practilly all of my life. In elementry school, the staff bullied me because I had ADHD and autism. And in middle school every girl hates me, and the guys bully me because ride a short bus. And now in seventh grade the girl who I loved Olivia. Crushed my heart and soul, she should just crush my bones. I want to be just as mean back to her and stomp on her heart and crush her bones and soul and cuss her out. But I wont. See what most of us don't realize is that if treat bullys with just as mean and hurtful things back the will twice as mean as before. We need to treat bullies with love and kindness. That will not always work in fact they might be even more mean. But deep down inside you know you making a difference in there heart. 

But anyways all this creidit goes to One_shot_gurl. You rock 
Hey guys. So from the best YouTuber ever One_shot_gurl. I am going to start a page called real talk Tuesday. this is not my idea this was ONE_shot_gurls idea and I am just using it. so what it is. I you guys tell me what you need help with and I will talk about it in not a fake way but real. I will tell you about what I did in my childhood to get over what I will be talking about.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day Two 10/21/15

                                                                               Day Two

So today I got really mad at someone who I will not name. But anyways I got to school today and realized that I had forgotten my camera for photography class but I forgot it on the right day. I called my dad and he brought it up.  Second period went fine accept I got called to the administrators office because there is this kid whos name I will not say. He made a fake report that we told this kid to go kill himself witch my best friend and I would never say to anybody no mater if we hated them with all of our hearts. Now science witch is where My vote came into action. I game Olivia my phone number and the address to my blog but on the bus she gave them away. Then came math. My teacher pretty much hates me. I did my work sheet and she criticized every thing that I did wrong; "Oh you forgot that but you got it answer right " about for twenty questions. You comment would you get pissed.

Anyways that was my day bad or not so  that was day two.

             Day Two

                                             Keegan Beebe

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day one. 10/20/15

                                                                        Day One

      So today I woke up about 6:50 (pretty average for me). I didn't eat breakfast I hate breakfast the sound of people who eat breakfast twist my stomach just the sound of it makes me feel queasy. So my bus comes at around 7:50. so I have about one hour from waking up to catching the bus. Today during this time I played Minecraft the best modern retro game ever. So I got on the bus worked on some work for my job. Yes I do have a job I am a White hat hacker aka a good hacker. When I got to school during first period I hate my teacher and he hates me so that started my day off wrong. Second period I spent most of second period in the counselors office actually yeah pretty much all of it. I also was there for all of third period. but in fourth period math I also hate my teacher so that didn't go well. I was working on a work sheet and I just threw up because of stress of a test. Then I got on my bus and went home and booted my brother off the play station and played some Need For Speed. Okay so after that break I went outside to hang out with my neighbors and we played a game called robbery we made up a new money term. "Google" and it was worth any number and then 100 zeros. Finally for dinner I had hotdogs.

And that concludes Day one of 10/20/15

Keegan Beebe
I'm going to start doing this thing every night. One day in my life. Basically I will tell you what I did but it will be to my future self. You don't need to read it if you don't want to. If I do not post it I will post it the very next day. I am also going to start a new page. When I woke up. Basically the same thing as One day in the life except one morning in the life. :/

Crush to love

Okay so if you have read my post the last  few days you know that I have a crush on a girl Olivia. Anyway you know that she turned me down, but I think I have more feelings than like... I think I'm in love. This love isn't any normal boyfriend girlfriend type love it is a strong real love. I know I'm just in middle school, but I think I found true love. Let me tell you about Olivia. Olivia is an A student her parents don't take anything less. She is a vegetarian. She loves dogs. We love the same music, (clean hip-hop, pop(no cuss words),and Christian). We wake up at the same time. We are perfect she does whatever I do and I do whatever she does.

Monday, October 19, 2015

So today the highlight of my day was seeing Olivia my perfect girl. but she isn't because she doesn't like me and that's killing me from the inside out. This isn't just my average player crush I like her for her I don't want her to change. My friend said why do you like her she's not even that pretty. I said I don't like her for looks I like her for her. I like her because she is nice and kind. You know I'm to shy to ask her a reason for why she said no because I'm worried it will ruin our friendship.
Okay so I was up all night but I drank coffee #coffee rocks. But anyways I crashed in math my caffeine had worn off and I was tired as hell. anyways you guys remember Olivia the perfect girl I actually have feelings for her and not just an occupation to stare at. I love Olivia but she doesn't love me :(. Well you know one thing. We will be friends all they way till eight grade.

Okay so this is how my entire life has went.
On April second 2003 I Michael Keegan Beebe was born. surprise I'm only twelve.
This was an important day in my life because well I wouldn't be here if that day didn't exist.
When I was 2 moms sisters daughter accidently dropped me down like 3 stairs and I broke my foot. :/ anyway that was my first trip ever to the emergency oh wait I was held there for 3 days after I was born because of water in my lung. but back to my foot I was in a cast for I think 4 months so yeah. now fast forward to when I was three. My dad was reading my brother and I the bible and I was sitting on the edge of my bed. and I fell and hit my sharp dresser and humpty dumpty at on a wall humpty dumpty had a great fall and crack went my head. now in November when I was five was my first day of K grade  and I hated evergreen and they hatted me. when I was in K grade I had the most traumatic experience of my life the class bully tripped me and everyone in the entire class laughed so hard at me falling. I literally ran out of the classroom and locked myself in a bathroom stall and didn't come out till the end of the day.  Now fast forward to in-between first and second grade when 1 was 7 years old there are two cute girls behind my house (I got one of them after this) but I was riding my bike and I went down this steep hill and hit one rock. and I flipped and flipped and flipped and flipped and amazingly only broke two arms but my back wrist feet and shoulders all pop and crack now. I wish I could take that day back but then I wouldn't get the girl. now fast-forward to when I'm in the third grade. I was on this allergy medicine and with another medicine caused hallucinations and they were of people beating other people up and I brought a knife to school. that's the end of the story but A police officer came and I was suspended for two weeks and that was it I didn't come back for two weeks. now forth and fifth grade were good years in forth I had the best teacher Mrs. Motley and she helped me get A-B honor roll all but for one quarter and I had a 79 C+ fast -forward to sixth grade my worst year. I had about 170 lunch detections about 120 in school detections surprisingly only 1 detection ever for math witch I hated math well who doesn't. now fast forward Monday October nineteenth today when I'm writing this and in seventh grade witch I'm doing awesome in thanks for asking and I love it all my teachers are so nice accept for my aid in math Mrs.Handcock she is the meanest aid I have ever had EVER! anyway that's the summery of my entire life.

Hope you enjoyed my life and I look forward to your comments
Okay so this mostly applies to collage high middle and elementary every grade and these tips are for STUDYING

  • STUDY most of us say we study but to be honest do most of us study be honest please don't lie you really don't study unless your a nerd or super smart (nerd is a compliment for smart)
  • Have a playlist full of slow pace but with words so you don't fall asleep but you want it to be songs you don't listen to on the bus to school. you will want to sing and listen to the songs if you love them.
  • for most people don't study for 48 hours a day 8 days a week study for about 30 minutes a day. you don't want to cram it 30 minutes to an hour is the magic number. If you hate social study's you might want to study longer.

Hope you enjoy these tips and I hope they can help you


Hello fellow students, workers, and business owners, this is something that can help you all out!

  • Unless you were a suit all day every day read this! You want to lay out your outfit the night before if you know you are going to be in a rush in the morning lay out your outfit this has helped me so many mornings and because I don't want to miss my bus I lay it out.
  • If you have trouble waking up in the morning then you can either put coffee beans in a bag and sniff it in the morning the fumes will make your body think you are drinking coffee but your not and for middle school students this can really help but if your hardcore like me then your can just drink coffee. ;)
  • If you hate breakfast eat it. drink milk with your toast or French toast or waffles  that will boost your energy this will help you with 8 grams of protein and it will just help you with everything in the morning it will just boost your energy for some reason it just helps you I don't know why but it just does just do it okay. :)

Cool Animal Picture

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller
Well I can't sleep so I decided to write this. I want to date this girl who I thought who would be perfect for me. Well as you can guess I'm no writing a love story. She said no and that made me sad (REALLY SAD!) We like the same type of music same games same food same everything but she said no and now I'm really sad because I get to sit by her in science today and we are friends but that is just a thing girls say when things get awkward

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud"

Maya Angelou
Picture Of The Day #1

"I can't change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination"

Jimmy Dean
One day at my summer science summer camp LOL...

Hey guys sorry that I haven't posted in a while... I've been really busy with my school and homework so I'm really so, so, so sorry that I haven't posted in a while I will try to post every day. By the way what do you guys think of me posting like sort of a photo of the day like thing I post a photo every day :) ... Also maybe a caption of the day.

"Start by doing what's necessary then do what's imposable; and suddenly you are doing the imposable."